Welcome to Rocky Mountain Humane Investing.

Since 1996, we offer tax-advantaged and performance-oriented portfolios for Vegan / Cruelty-Free, Socially Responsible investors.

For decades the financial services industry has been held to a very low standard.  According to Morningstar only 9.8% of active investment managers have exceeded returns by the S&P 500 in the past decade.  Our aim is to continue to be in this small exclusive minority of active managers.

Rocky Mountain Humane Investing is the original founder of Cruelty-Free and Vegan Investing.

We are fee-only Fiduciary Advisors and free of Conflicts of Interest.   We are not compensated by commissions.  We do not receive any other compensation by other parties other than our annualized fee for portfolio management.

Zero proprietary or packaged products, mutual funds or ETF’s.

12 years and counting of a proven track record of returns and performance data by 3rd party

Securing Your Future On Your Terms

RMHI is a Colorado-based state-registered investment advisor that manages taxable and non-taxed (IRA) portfolios for Growth and Balanced investors in the U.S. In 1990, Brad Pappas created the first Cruelty-Free screen and founded RMHI in 1996. We believe the word “Humane” includes people of all genders and identities. People of all orientations deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. Read more about our history

Human Investing

Investing Ethically

RMHI believes in the dreams of our clients. Hence, we see our role as identifying the most effective investment solutions to realize your aspirations without compromising your values. Our screening criteria align with our clients’ ethical ideals. Read more about our socially responsible investment philosophy.

The Evolution of Humane Investing

We integrate your conscious philosophy with our advanced investing models. As a result, RMHI generates very competitive returns that are an improvement to mass-marketed mutual funds and traditional unscreened private portfolio management. Most of all, you do not need to sacrifice performance for socially responsible investing. Read more about our RMHI portfolio management and view verified modeled returns

Meeting the Needs of our Clients

Our clients come from many walks of life and stages of investing, all with a common desire to invest ethically. We manage Trusts, IRAs, IRA/401K rollovers, inherited IRAs, individual and family accounts, and select non-profit accounts. RMHI will help with all steps of the process, so your investments can become aligned with your values. Contact us to get started.


Rocky Mountain Humane Investing.

For over 25 years, Rocky Mountain Humane Investing has been providing clients with cruelty-free, socially responsible investment management.